Time Scale Event Meta Model

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Time Scale Graph
Recently at the GraphConnect 2013 conference in San Francisco, questions were asked about how to handle temporal or time-based traversals in a Neo4j graph database.

So I decided to write a GraphGist to help Neo4j developers do recommendations by logging events within a "Time Scale Graph".

The goal of this GraphGist is to provide you with a lens to help you see information as simple temporal facts that are captured across space and time.

You can find the full GraphGist here

Delete Duplicate Node By Index Using Neo4j Cypher Query

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Follow the steps below to find and delete duplicate nodes on property and index in Neo4j's web admin console.

Step 1

Select duplicate records by executing the following Cypher query in the Neo4j admin console.

START n=node:invoices("PO_NUMBER:(\"112233\")")
// Cypher query for collecting the ids of indexed nodes containing duplicate properties
ORDER BY id(n) DESC  // Order by descending to delete the most recent duplicated record
WITH n.Key? as DuplicateKey, COUNT(n) as ColCount, COLLECT(id(n)) as ColNode
WITH DuplicateKey, ColCount, ColNode, HEAD(ColNode) as DuplicateId
WHERE ColCount > 1 AND (DuplicateKey is not null) AND (DuplicateId is not null)
WITH DuplicateKey, ColCount, ColNode, DuplicateId 
ORDER BY DuplicateId 
RETURN DuplicateKey, ColCount, DuplicateId 
//RETURN COLLECT(DuplicateId) as CommaSeparatedListOfIds
//** Toggle comments for the return statements above to validate duplicate records 
//** Do not proceed to delete without validating

Step 2

Validate and copy duplicate record IDs from web admin console:

Execute the Cypher query from Step 1 to validate duplicate records exist.
After validating duplicate records, execute the Cypher query from Step 1 as a comma separated list of IDs.

Step 3

Copy and paste CommaSeparatedListOfIds into the delete query below.

START n=node(1120038,1120039,1120040,1120042,1120044,1120048,1120049,1120050,1120053,1120067,1120068)
// Replace above with the IDs from CommaSeparatedListOfIds in the previous step
MATCH n-[r]-()

** Execute the Cypher query above ONLY after replacing the example IDs in the START statement.

Step 4

Validate that the delete transaction committed.

Execute the Cypher query from Step 1 to make sure that the transaction was committed.

That's it! Comment below with questions or feedback.

Universal Turing Machine in C#

Friday, January 25, 2013

I realized that this blog is fairly absent of any actual programming posts, even though it takes up a majority of my time on any given day (or night).

Here is a complete Universal Turing Machine I wrote in C#. The state table computes general relativity, based on my "theory of everything" down in another blog post. Each bit on the tape represents a photon and each full cycle represents a frame of reference.

I've excluded some code from my implementation so that it is easier to read, specifically if you run this, make sure you change the stopping criteria or run it in a console application in debug mode with a break point.

This is easily ported to JavaScript, so look forward to a jQuery plugin soon.

A paper where Turing first proposed the idea of computable numbers:


// -------------------------------------
// Author: Kenny Bastani
// Based on the theory of computable numbers by Alan Turing
// Inspired by James Gleick’s “The Information: A History, a Theory, a Flood"
// positions[] table is an infinite length: 
// ----------------------------------------
// positions[i] = (positions[i] >= tape.Length ? positions[i] % tape.Length : positions[i]) 
// OR 
// positions[i] = (positions[i] < 0 ? tape.Length – 1 : positions[i])
//          0: move forward 1 space; state A
//          1: write 0; state B
//          0: move forward 1 space; state C
//          1: move forward 1 space; state A
//          0: stay; state B
//          1: move backward 1 space; state D
//          0: write 1; state B
//          1: stay; state C

byte i = 0;
while (true)
    // The positions table stores the position of the Turing machine on the tape,
    // where byte i represents multiple Turing machines operating on the same tape
    byte bit = tape[positions[i]];
    switch (turingMachines[i])
        // State A is the ready state, it holds no memory of erasing a bit. This is the "ZERO STATE".
        case "A":
            if (bit == 0)
                // Advance until a bit 1 is found
                turingMachines[i] = "A";
            else if (bit == 1)
                // Erase the bit from the tape and store it in memory as state B  
                tape[positions[i]] = 0;
                turingMachines[i] = "B";
        case "B":
            if (bit == 0)
                // Advance until a bit 1 is found
                turingMachines[i] = "C";
            else if (bit == 1)
                // If a bit in state B is equal to 1, it is because the machine 
                // just wrote it to the tape
                turingMachines[i] = "A";
        case "C":
            if (bit == 0)
                // A bit 1 is held in memory, switch to B state and continue oscillating
                // until colliding with bit 1
                turingMachines[i] = "B";
            else if (bit == 1)
                // A bit 1 has been found and cannot be erased because a bit is already 
                // in memory, move back one space and switch to the D state
                turingMachines[i] = "D";
        case "D":
            if (bit == 0)
                // Release the bit from memory and write it back to the tape, 
                // revert to state B
                tape[positions[i]] = 1;
                turingMachines[i] = "B";
            else if (bit == 1)
                // This state is rare and happens when another Turing machine has released 
                // a bit in a parallel operation, revert to state C
                turingMachines[i] = "C";